The weather is warmer, the days are longer, and what we’re craving is changing too: Super refreshing teas to sip on throughout the day. And wouldn’t it be nice if our favourite beverage didn’t interfere with our ever important night’s sleep so that we can make the most of the season? Lucky for us Murchie’s is positively blossoming with delicious caffeine-free infusions for uninterrupted shut-eye that can count toward your 8 cups per day too!

On the days before Mother’s Day, we are getting inspired to make the mom in our lives a delicious new drink to serve with brunch. Not just the days, actually, all year we’re dreaming of fun drinks to create! I recently got my hands on my MILs copy of the Joy of Cooking cookbook and have been poring over the cocktail section. A Peach Brandy, Queen Elizabeth Cocktail or a Rum Collins anyone? I’ve yet to make any of the recipes from it, which include a “Cherry Bounce” that calls for 5 pounds each of sugar and fresh cherries. Yikes! I did come across a limeade recipe and also a recipe for homemade condensed milk, which got me thinking about a traditional Brazilian lemonade made with sweetened condensed milk (don’t worry, the condensed milk is from a tin).

Murchie’s new Sunrise Yuzu herbal tea is on repeat at my house, so I knew I wanted to incorporate it into a refreshing treat for mom. It’s got a mouthwatering sweet/tart/bitter thing going on that is simply perfect for this limeade recipe made with sweetened condensed milk and ice that gets all buzzed up with a hand mixer to frothy goodness. This recipe is a winner because it’s simple to make, uses simple ingredients and is big on flavour. It can also be easily tweaked - use orange instead of lime (or both), double the recipe for a larger batch or add a splash of white rum.

I have to wonder how many moms out there actually tackled any of the labour intensive cocktail recipes from Joy of Cooking. The reality is, most moms are likely too busy juggling work and family life. If you need an excuse to treat mom to a special drink for brunch, that would be it.

Spring is finally here, and with all the flowers in bloom it’s as though it’s nature’s cue for us to celebrate Mother's Day! Here at Murchie's,  we’re especially thrilled for Mother’s Day this year as we have just released an amazing group of floral and fruit forward spring teas. Even if mom usually goes for classic teas, it can be a lovely and unexpected surprise to receive something new. Just read on for how delicious they sound! Whether you’re searching for something special to serve with Mother’s Day brunch or a treat with breakfast in bed, you’ll find the tea that mom will love.

We don’t really need an excuse to drink tea, but realizing King Charles’s coronation will be televised for our viewing amusement bright and early on the morning of Saturday May 6, 2023 could only be a sign that a very special cuppa will be imminently required.

We are looking forward to much pageantry as we see His Majesty King Charles III crowned alongside The Queen Consort, so put up some DIY royal bunting and fortify yourself for a few hours of historic telly with this wonderfully rich Royal Tea Latte recipe that we think would be perfect for the occasion. It’s made with Murchie’s Coronation Blend, that highlights Darjeeling and Sri Lankan black teas. Not only is Darjeeling a known favourite of King Charles, it also boasts notes of muscatel grape, earning it the name “champagne of teas.” Could it be any more perfect? The Sri Lankan black tea in the blend adds a robust quality making it just right to stand up to the extra milk used in this tea latte recipe. Pinkies up!

The Tasting Lab has been an Idea and pet project for a while, so I'm glad I get to see it come to fruition. It was conceived as a way to showcase ideas, finds, and old blending classics from the Big Black Book that haven't seen the light of day in decades, possibly even a century. A way to glimpse the ideas that go on behind the scenes at Head Office, and bring others along on an interesting taste-journey.

Experimentation has its ups and downs; occasionally you come across a tea you adore, but can't source the quantities you need for a full release. Sometimes you have ideas for flavour combinations that are so out there, you don't know if anyone else would be willing to try. Murchie's has a lot of history, and I look forward to exploring some of it with interested tea drinkers.

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